Monday, September 14, 2009

Local Dance Fundraiser for Women of Darfur

Show your solidarity and give support through a dance celebration and learning event called the "Sensual Heart Event," hosted by Castle Rock Nia Fitness Studio.

Please join us for an informative gathering and community dance experience in aid of our sisters who are victims of the violence in Darfur.

Saturday, October 17th, 2009 7 pm - 9 pm Fund and awareness raising $22*
Sunday, October 18th 11 am - 2 pm VividExistence 5 Stages DanceShop $65*,
or $80* for both days

*Donation: Ticket profits from this event will be donated to the Women’s Peace Center in Darfur to support women survivors of genocide to receive care and be given the start up costs to weave baskets for a self-sustaining income. We are also proud to be partnering with the Women's Peace Collection, the fair trade organization that is organizing this basket weaving cooperative venture.