Sunday, September 21, 2008

2nd Annual Castle Rock Writer's Conference: A Smashing Success

Dozens of volunteers with a mission of increasing learning opportunities and exposure to book agents for Douglas County, Denver metro, and Colorado Springs writers, have once again created a memorable event.

The Castle Rock Writer's Conference is held all day on a Saturday. This time it was on September 20, 2008.

The conference was open to all writers or wanna-be writers. They offered a wide variety of seminars, including: Fiction Techniques in Creative Nonfiction, Writing the West, Cracking the Hollywood System, Getting Syndicated, and Mining Your Memories for Children's Picture Books.

The lunch break offered a chance for participants to network with writers in similar genres and they also hosted two keynote speakers.

Margaret Coel, a successful mystery writer shared entertaining stories about the development of her popular "Father John and Vick Holden (Wind River Series)" mystery series.

Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist, Jim Sheeler, shared his heart-wrenching stories of the families left behind by soldiers killed in the Iraqi war. He captured their experiences in a powerfully moving way in his book entitled "The Final Salute."

Lastly, writers with a finished manuscript could pitch their books to two book agents. Several of these writers were encouraged to send more information to the agents, perhaps furthering their career.

Because of the success, I expect that there will be a third Castle Rock Writer's Conference. I will be sure to give readers plenty of notice so they can register for this fun event.

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